Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tag You're It aka Week 6 #14

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Not to sound like a newbie but the first thing that struck me when I hopped onto Technorati was "Look at all those posts coming in every second, Golly" (Excuse the profanity)

From there it was do the right thing and search Library 2.0. And here's where I have a small gripe. I typed it in amd got results for 'Library' and '2.0' separately seems like I had to use the old Google search tipe and enclose the phrase in those double floating comma thingies ie "library 2.0"

PS I know those double floating comma thingies have a proper name, but frankly punctuation and I have never been on more than terms of barest civility, and if you're one of those anal people who gets comma rage whenever they see one being used improperly, then get over it cause I don''t care.

Sorry I digressed there for a minute. Back to the results of the search. After scrolling through the results I came across and clicked on a blogger who goes by the name of 'The effing librarian' and to quote Lee Jordan I think it was after his first class with Mad Eye Moody "he knows man" and from there it was just a quick click to these other sites. They'll make you think, they may offend you, but if you've been in libraries longer than a week you'll be able to relate.








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