Saturday, October 20, 2007

The not so Amazing Zoho aka Welcome to the Dark Side of Web Based App's

Well it worked, kind of. I was able to import it into Zoho, and its useable. But there's a but I hear you say? Indeed there is. Granted its only the second time I've used it, but the original doc was in Landscape layout, and this one's in Portrait, which 1. Mucks up the pagination (which is fixable) and 2. Makes the table colums very thin (which is less fixable as there doesn't seem to be an option to change the layout from Portait back to Landscape)

Maybe I'll have better luck with Google. (Nope it more than likely the dodgy graphics card on my PC but nothing more than a search bar and a lot of white space).

ThinkFree? Again it could be my PC (dial up 'sigh') but after registering its taking forever to load. Hang on it may be frozen. Let's hit the refresh button. And again. Bugga this I can't wait all night!

Of course there is another issue that springs to mind with the web based doc's. Seeing as how in this instance its something with people's details on it, ie booking sheet. How secure is it, and what ramifications dooes this have for the privacy legislation? Maybe I'd better delete it just in case!

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