Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'm hooked aka I get paid for this! aka weeks 1-4 & #'s 1-9

I've finally sent a blog on my, myspace page and believe it or not it was about libraries 2.0 and what we've been doing so far. Here it is repeated here

I get paid for this!
Currently there's a bunch of us at work going through an exercise called Libraries 2.0 which is a 23 point exercise involving to date; blogging, photosharing on flickr,and related stuff and rss feeds.

You can check out my other bloggs at

I've stuck all my favourite cat photos on flickr at you can find them if you search for Gingerbread Man 63 as a person search and even made a trading card of Gingerbread man which is in my phots here at Myspace and at flickr

And finally set up a bunch of RSS feeds at mind you the one I really think you'll like is CBR Comic Book Resources

One thing I didn't put in the above blog is that the 15 min a day scenario is not really realistic, for me at any rate. I've found the patterns usually been 30-45 min evry 2 weeks or so, if I didn't have access to the net at home I'd be pushing rocks uphill.

Also as most of the friends on my myspace page are kids from our Church Youth Group I'm probably going to get bombarded with comments on how pathetic I am ;)

You can check out my Myspace page at and if some of the profile looks similar to whats here, well I'm hardly going to reinvent the wheel am I.

PS as to the RSS feeds apart from CBR I also have say I lurv unshelved. Where have you been all my life? and finally feeding the inner geek I just had to add Outpost Gallifrey the #1 Doctor Who news site on the World Wide Web.

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